Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is a fun and exciting sport that you can enjoy at Life Beach in Busabala.

Life Beach is a beach resort that offers 24-hour services, affordable accommodation, spacious gardens, and a beautiful lake view. You can also enjoy other activities such as camping, music, barbecue, and kids’ playground.

If you want to play beach volleyball at Life Beach, you will need to know some basic rules and tips. Here are some of them:

– Beach volleyball is played by two teams of two players each on a sand court divided by a net. The net height is 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women.

– The objective of the game is to make the ball hit the sand on the opponent’s side of the court while preventing it from hitting the sand on your side. You can use any part of your body to play the ball, but you cannot touch the net or cross the center line.

– Each team can touch the ball up to three times before sending it back over the net. The same player cannot touch the ball twice in a row, and blocking counts as a touch.

– You cannot hold, catch, or throw the ball. You have to hit it cleanly with your hand or arm. Open hand touches, tips, and dinks are not allowed in beach volleyball.

– A point is scored when the ball lands on the opponent’s side of the court, goes out of bounds after being touched by the opponent, or when the opponent commits a fault or violation.

– A match consists of three sets, and the first team to win two sets wins the match. Each set is played to 21 points, except for the third set which is played to 15 points. A team must win by two points to win a set.

– To start a rally, one player serves the ball from behind the end line by tossing it and hitting it with one hand or arm. The serve can be blocked or attacked by the receiving team.

– To improve your skills and strategies in beach volleyball, you can follow some tips such as:

– Communicate with your partner and work as a team. Call out who will take the ball, where to place it, and what kind of attack to use.

– Use different types of serves to keep your opponents guessing. You can try jump serves, float serves, or spin serves depending on your strength and accuracy.

– Use different types of shots to score points. You can try spikes, cut shots, roll shots, or pokeys depending on the position of the ball and the defence.

– Use different types of defence to stop your opponents from scoring. You can try blocking, digging, peeling, or reading depending on the situation and your partner’s position.

Beach Volleyball at Life Beach Hotel is free for all to enjoy.

Visit us today.